If your child is wearing nappies, please could you provide these together with wipes & nappy bags. We have found that some children can have a reaction to wipes and therefore feel it is better for the parents to provide these. 

We provide a changing unit, which will be wiped over with disinfectant between each use, and nappy sacks for the disposal of used nappies. We will use plastic aprons when changing your child’s nappy to reduce risk. If your child is allergic to these please let me know.

We will change your child regularly and immediately if they have soiled a nappy. We believe that changing a nappy should provide lots of opportunity to communicate with your child, we will assure that it is your child’s key person that changes their nappy as much as possible and as their understanding grows it provides time to discuss basic hygiene issues, preparing them for potty training.

Potty Training 

It is unusual for a child to be ready to be potty trained much before their second birthday and for some children it can be a lot later. Please do not be concerned if your child shows no signs of being ready yet. When your child starts to show signs that they are becoming aware of their bodily functions please arrange a convenient time to meet with your child’s keyworker and we can discuss your plans on potty/toilet training your child.

When you are ready to start toilet training choose a time when you can be at home and things will be calm and relaxed. If you have a busy few weeks ahead of you, or other pressures to contend with, it might be worth waiting until you can give toilet training your full attention, rather than trying to ‘slot it in’ to a busy schedule.

Starting toilet training during the summer months can help to minimise stress and frustration for both you and your child. There are fewer clothes for your child to take off and it is easier to dry clothes when your child has the inevitable accidents.

We are happy to support you with toilet training when you feel your child is ready and once you have been potty training for at least a week with no or little accidents throughout the day  It is very important that we work together to potty train your child and pick a suitable time to do it, when we can all dedicate time. If we start the training and your child is not ready, then we can stop and start again when they are ready to do so.

Some children take to potty training overnight, for some it is a longer process.  The most important thing is that we work together to give your child the support and reassurance they need during this period.

We would be grateful if you could please provide lots of changes of clothes as we do not keep any spares.

Some information on nighttime wetting:

Potty training is a major milestone for your little one. If he’s using the potty regularly and recognising when they need to go during the day, they probably feel very proud of themselves. But nighttime is different.

In fact, it's best to think of nighttime dryness as a separate but related milestone on a potty training timeline. It's completely normal for it to take months, or even years, longer for a child's body to mature enough for reliable nighttime dryness.

For your child to sleep through the night without urinating, his bladder must be able to hold the urine he makes during the night. To help this happen, their body needs to produce a hormone that slows down urine production. As a result, there's less urine, but it's more concentrated. Children who wet the bed may not yet be producing enough of this hormone.

Useful links:

 How to potty train - NHS (

Potty training: how to start & best age to potty train - ERIC